Welcome to Slovakia, Center of Europe

Slovakia is in the geographical center of Europe. Small country of size of Switzerland

There are beautiful cultural jewels, nice nature, and unique caves and many other things.

For Ukrainian refugees

Travel Plans for Slovakia

Bucket list

Bucket list experience of Slovakia - top highlights for you.Note: All of the places are accessible also for disabled people. It is not the...

Slovakia travel guide

Best activities in Slovakia

Cicmany, Cultural village, Slovakia Author: Vladimir Pauco

Cultural villages

Bojnice, CoolSlovakia, Author: katkaZV + postprocess VP

Castles of Slovakia

Top Destinations


Discover UNESCO treasure of Slovakia


Reconnect with path down under ground


Castles are the history of Slovakia


Cultural heritage awaits

Bucketlist Experiences

Bucket list

Bucket list experience of Slovakia - top highlights for you.Note: All of the places...

Latest Stories

Which are the dangerous animals in Slovakia?

Slovakia is quite safe country, but when it comes to dangers we...

Safety in Slovakia

How is tourist safety in Slovakia?Main emergency number

10 best activities in Košice

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Slovakia 7 days travel itinerary

IntroYou plan to go to Slovakia and...

Slovakia 4 days travel itinerary

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